Class Async


public class Async extends Object
Wrapper for embedded Apache ActiveMQ Artemis. It is an embedded in-memory JMS server for asynchronous processing. JavaLite Async can be used in standalone applications, but specifically useful in web apps for processing asynchronous jobs without delaying rendering web responses. It sets many configuration parameters of Artemis EmbeddedActiveMQ to sensible values so you do not have to. This class also implements a Command Pattern for ease of writing asynchronous code.
Igor Polevoy on 3/4/15.
  • Constructor Details

    • Async

      public Async(String dataDirectory, boolean useLibAio, QueueConfig... queueConfigs)
      Creates and configures a new instance.

      However, it is recommended to use a builder to create Async instances: new Async.AsyncBuilder(...)....
      dataDirectory - root directory where persistent messages are stored
      useLibAio - true to use libaio, false not to use (See Artemis log statements to check if it was detected).
      queueConfigs - vararg of QueueConfig instances.
    • Async

      public Async(String dataDirectory, boolean useLibAio, injector, QueueConfig... queueConfigs)
      Creates and configures a new instance.

      However, it is recommended to use a builder to create Async instances: new Async.AsyncBuilder(...)....
      dataDirectory - root directory where persistent messages are stored
      useLibAio - true to use libaio, false to use NIO.
      injector - Google Guice injector. Used to inject dependency members into commands if needed.
      queueConfigs - vararg of QueueConfig> instances.
  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start()
      Starts the server.
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Stops this JMS server.
    • setBinaryMode

      public void setBinaryMode(boolean binaryMode)
      If true, uses binary mode to send messages. If set to false (default), will send messages as strings. Test which method is faster in your environment for your CPU and IO performance. generally, binary mode will use a lot less IO, but more CPU and vice versa.
      binaryMode - true to send messages in binary mode, false to send as strings.
    • configureNetty

      public void configureNetty(String host, int port)
      Call this method once after a constructor in order to create a Netty instance to accept out of VM messages.
      host - host to bind to
      port - port to listen on
    • send

      public void send(String queueName, Command command)
      Sends a command into a queue for processing
      queueName - name of queue
      command - command instance.
    • send

      public void send(String queueName, Command command, Date deliveryTime)
      Sends a command into a queue for processing
      queueName - name of queue
      command - command instance.
      deliveryTime - delivery time in the future. If null, or in the past, the message will be delivered as usual.
    • send

      public void send(String queueName, Command command, int deliveryMode)
      Sends a command into a queue for processing
      queueName - name of queue
      command - command to process
      deliveryMode - delivery mode: DeliveryMode.
    • send

      public void send(String queueName, Command command, int deliveryMode, long deliveryTime)
      Sends a command into a queue for processing
      queueName - name of queue
      command - command to process
      deliveryMode - delivery mode: DeliveryMode.
      deliveryTime - delivery time in milliseconds
    • send

      public void send(String queueName, Command command, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
      Sends a command into a queue for processing
      queueName - name of queue
      command - command to process
      deliveryMode - delivery mode: DeliveryMode.
      priority - priority of the message. Correct values are from 0 to 9, with higher number denoting a higher priority.
      timeToLive - the message's lifetime (in milliseconds, where 0 is to never expire)
    • send

      public void send(String queueName, Command command, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, long deliveryTime)
      Sends a command into a queue for processing
      queueName - name of queue
      command - command to process
      deliveryMode - delivery mode: DeliveryMode. 1 for non-persistent, 2 for persistent.
      priority - priority of the message. Correct values are from 0 to 9, with higher number denoting a higher priority.
      timeToLive - the message's lifetime (in milliseconds, where 0 is to never expire)
      deliveryTime - The specified value must be a positive long corresponding to the time the message must be delivered (in milliseconds). For instance, System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000 would be 5 seconds from now.
    • receiveCommand

      public Command receiveCommand(String queueName)
      Receives a command from a queue synchronously. If this queue also has listeners, then commands will be distributed across all consumers.
      queueName - name of queue
      command if found. If command not found, this method will block till a command is present in queue. see receiveCommand(String, long)
    • receiveCommand

      public <T extends Command> T receiveCommand(String queueName, Class<T> type)
      Receives a command from a queue synchronously. If this queue also has listeners, then commands will be distributed across all consumers. This method will block until a command becomes available for this consumer.
      queueName - name of queue
      type - expected class of a command
      command if found. If command not found, this method will block till a command is present in queue. see receiveCommand(String, long)
    • receiveCommand

      public <T extends Command> T receiveCommand(String queueName, int timeout, Class<T> type)
      Receives a command from a queue synchronously. If this queue also has listeners, then commands will be distributed across all consumers.
      queueName - name of queue
      timeout - timeout in milliseconds. If a command is not received during a timeout, this methods returns null.
      type - expected class of a command
      command if found. If command not found, this method will block till a command is present in queue. see receiveCommand(String, long)
    • receiveCommand

      public Command receiveCommand(String queueName, long timeout)
      Receives a command from a queue synchronously. If this queue also has listeners, then commands will be distributed across all consumers.
      queueName - name of queue
      timeout - timeout in milliseconds. If a command is not received during a timeout, this methods returns null.
      command if found. If command not found, this method will block till a command is present in queue or a timeout expires.
    • receiveMessage

      public javax.jms.Message receiveMessage(String queueName, long timeout)
      Receives a messafge from a queue asynchronously.If this queue also has listeners, then messages will be distributed across all consumers.
      queueName - name of queue
      timeout - timeout in millis.
      message if found, null if not.
    • sendTextMessage

      public void sendTextMessage(String queueName, String text)
      Sends a non-expiring TextMessage with average priority.
      queueName - name of queue
      text - body of message
    • sendTextMessage

      public void sendTextMessage(String queueName, String text, long deliveryTime)
      Sends a non-expiring TextMessage with average priority.
      queueName - name of queue
      text - body of message
      deliveryTime - The specified value must be a positive long corresponding to the time the message must be delivered (in milliseconds). For instance, System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000 would be 5 seconds from now.
    • sendTextMessage

      public void sendTextMessage(String queueName, String text, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive)
      Sends a TextMessage.
      queueName - name of queue
      text - body of message
      deliveryMode - delivery mode: DeliveryMode.
      priority - priority of the message. Correct values are from 0 to 9, with higher number denoting a higher priority.
      timeToLive - the message's lifetime (in milliseconds, where 0 is to never expire)
    • sendTextMessage

      public void sendTextMessage(String queueName, String text, int deliveryMode, int priority, long timeToLive, long deliveryTime)
      Sends a TextMessage.
      queueName - name of queue
      text - body of message
      deliveryMode - delivery mode: DeliveryMode.
      priority - priority of the message. Correct values are from 0 to 9, with higher number denoting a higher priority.
      timeToLive - the message's lifetime (in milliseconds, where 0 is to never expire)
      deliveryTime - The specified value must be a positive long corresponding to the time the message must be delivered (in milliseconds). For instance, System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000 would be 5 seconds from now.
    • getBatchReceiver

      public BatchReceiver getBatchReceiver(String queueName, long timeout)
      Generate a BatchReceiver to receive and process stored messages. This method ALWAYS works in the context of a transaction.
      queueName - name of queue
      timeout - timeout to wait.
      instance of BatchReceiver.
    • getTopCommands

      public List<Command> getTopCommands(int count, String queueName)
      Returns top commands in queue. Does not remove anything from queue. This method can be used for an admin tool to peek inside the queue.
      count - number of commands to lookup.
      top commands in queue or empty list is nothing is found in queue.
    • getTopTextMessages

      public List<String> getTopTextMessages(int maxSize, String queueName)
      Returns top TextMessages in queue. Does not remove anything from queue. This method can be used for an admin tool to peek inside the queue.
      maxSize - max number of messages to lookup.
      top commands in queue or empty list is nothing is found in queue.
    • getBytes

      public static byte[] getBytes(javax.jms.BytesMessage message) throws javax.jms.JMSException
    • getMessageCounts

      public Map<String,​Long> getMessageCounts()
      Returns counts of messages for all queues.
      map, where a key is a queue name, and value is a number of messages currently in that queue.0
    • getMessageCount

      public long getMessageCount(String queue)
      Returns number of messages currently in queue
      queue - queue name
      number of messages currently in queue
    • resume

      public void resume(String queueName)
      Resumes a paused queue
      queueName - queue name
    • pause

      public void pause(String queueName)
      Pauses a queue. A paused queue stops delivering commands to listeners. It still can accumulate commands.
      queueName - queue name.
    • isPaused

      public boolean isPaused(String queueName)
      queueName - queue name
      true if queue is paused, false if not.
    • removeMessages

      public int removeMessages(String queueName, String filter)
      Removes messages from queue.
      queueName - queue name
      filter - filter selector as in JMS specification. See: JMS Message Selectors
      number of messages removed
    • removeAllMessages

      public int removeAllMessages(String queueName)
      Removes all messages from queue.
      queueName - queue name.
      number of messages removed
    • moveMessages

      public int moveMessages(String source, String target)
      Moves all messages from one queue to another
      source - name of source queue
      target - name of target queue
      number of messages moved
    • moveMessage

      public boolean moveMessage(String jmsMessageId, String source, String target)
      Moves a message from one queue to another
      jmsMessageId - JMS message id of a message to move
      source - name of source queue
      target - name of target queue
      true if message moved
    • setTopicConfigsList

      public void setTopicConfigsList(List<TopicConfig> topicConfigsList)
    • getConfig

      public org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.Configuration getConfig()
      Get additional server configuration.