Class Expectation<T>


public class Expectation<T> extends Object
Igor Polevoy, Eric Nielsen
  • Constructor Details

    • Expectation

      public Expectation(T actual)
  • Method Details

    • shouldEqual

      public void shouldEqual(T expected)
      expected - expected value.
    • shouldBeEqual

      public void shouldBeEqual(T expected)
      Tested value is equal expected.
      expected - expected value.
    • shouldHave

      public void shouldHave(String booleanMethod)
      This is for cases suh as: "hasErrors()": a(p).shouldHave("errors"). Invokes a boolean method and uses return value in comparison.
      booleanMethod - name of boolean method as specified in Java Beans specification. Example: if method name is hasChildren(), then the string "children" needs to be passed. This results in readable code such as:
    • shouldNotHave

      public void shouldNotHave(String booleanMethod)
      This is for cases suh as: "hasErrors()": a(p).shouldNotHave("errors"). Invokes a boolean method and uses return value in comparison.
      booleanMethod - name of boolean method as specified in Java Beans specification. Example: if method name is hasChildren(), then the string "children" needs to be passed. This results in readable code such as:
    • shouldBe

      public void shouldBe(String booleanMethod)
      Invokes a boolean method and uses return value in comparison.
      booleanMethod - name of boolean method as specified in Java Beans specification. Example: if method name is isValid(), then the string "valid" needs to be passed. This results in readable code such as:
    • shouldNotBe

      public void shouldNotBe(String booleanMethod)
      Invokes a boolean method and uses return value in comparison.
      booleanMethod - name of boolean method as specified in Java Beans specification. Example: if method name is isValid(), then the string "valid" needs to be passed. This results in readable code such as:
    • shouldNotBeEqual

      public void shouldNotBeEqual(T expected)
      Tested and expected values are not equal.
      expected - expected value.
    • shouldNotBeNull

      public void shouldNotBeNull()
      Tested reference should not be null.
    • shouldBeType

      public void shouldBeType(Class clazz)
      Tests that the Tested value is a specific type.
      clazz - type the the expected value should have (or super type). Lets say the super type is Car, and sub type is Toyota, then this test will pass:
           a(new Toyota()).shouldBeA(Car.class).
      Think of this not in terms of direct typing but from a point of view of inheritance.

      Synonym for shouldBeA(Class).

    • shouldBeA

      public void shouldBeA(Class clazz)
      Tests that the Tested value is a specific type.
      clazz - type the the expected value should have (or super type). Lets say the super type is Car, and sub type is Toyota, then this test will pass:
           a(new Toyota()).shouldBeA(Car.class).
      Think of this not in terms of direct typing but from a point of view of inheritance.

      Synonym for shouldBeType(Class).

    • shouldBeFalse

      public void shouldBeFalse()
      Tested value should be false.
    • shouldBeTrue

      public void shouldBeTrue()
      Tested value should be true.
    • shouldBeNull

      public void shouldBeNull()
      Tested value should be null.
    • shouldBeTheSameAs

      public void shouldBeTheSameAs(T expected)
      Tested value is the same reference value as expected.
      expected - expected reference.
    • shouldContain

      public void shouldContain(Object expected)
      Tests that an expected value is contained in the tested object. The tested object can be of the following types:
      • java.util.List - in this case, the tested list is expected to contain an expected object. For example, this will pass:
                 a(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)).shouldContain(3);
        This uses List.contains(Object) logic
      • java.util.Map - in this case, the tested map is expected to contain an object whose key is the expected object. For example, this will pass:
                 Map map = new HashMap();
                 map.put("one", 1);
                 map.put("two", 2);
                 map.put("three", 3);
      • Any object - in this case, the string representation of this object is tested to contain a string representation of expected value as a substring.For example, this will pass:
                 the("meaning of life is 42").shouldContain("meaning");
      expected - value that is expected to be contained in a tested object.
    • shouldNotContain

      public void shouldNotContain(Object expected)
      This method is exactly opposite (negated) of shouldContain(Object).
      expected - value that is expected to be NOT contained in a tested object.
    • shouldNotBeTheSameAs

      public void shouldNotBeTheSameAs(T expected)
      Tested value is not the same reference value as expected.
      expected - expected reference.