All Classes

This class is to be sub-classed by the application level class called app.config.AppControllerConfig.
This class is designed to be sub-classed by an application level class called app.config.DbConfig.
Subclass will compile and serve CSS from LESS files.
Subclass will compile and serve CSS from SASS files.
Subclasses MUST be called WebSocketConfig...
This is a filter for opening a connection before and closing connection after servlet.
Implement this interface if you want to completely replace logging behavior with your own.
Thrown in cases when a controller has multiple overloaded action methods.
This class allows configuration of applications for different deployment environments, such as development, test, staging, production, etc.
Instance of this class can hold application-specific objects for duration of application life span.
Subclass this class to create application controllers.
Controller filters are similar to that of Servlet filters, but designed to wrap execution of controllers.
Bootstraps entire application, including AppControllerConfig class, which sets up all filters exactly as at run time.
Associations are synonymous with relationships.
Wrapper for embedded Apache ActiveMQ Artemis.
Attribute length validator.
This class provides a number of convenience methods for opening/closing database connections, running various types of queries, and executing SQL statements.
This class is a direct copy of code from Java8 for backwards compatibility with older JDKs.
This class implements a decoder for decoding byte data using the Base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and RFC 2045.
This class implements an encoder for encoding byte data using the Base64 encoding scheme as specified in RFC 4648 and RFC 2045.
Use to batch-read text messages from Async in a cont5ext of a transaction.
Place on a child model of the One-to-many relationship if the tables do not follow the ActiveJDBC naming conventions.
This association indicates that a source table belongs to the target table.
Converts instances of String that are empty or contain only whitespaces to null.
Validates a boolean value in a JSON document.
This is an abstract class designed to be overridden in the application.
Event object.
This class exists in order to collapse multiple similar cache purge events into one.
Abstract method to be sub-classed by various caching technologies.
This is a simple captcha class, use it to generate a random string and then to create an image of it.
A case insensitive map for java.lang.String keys.
A case insensitive set for java.lang.String elements.
Check current schema against available migrations to see if database is up to date, causing the build to fail if the database is not up to date.
Exists only to make code less spaghetti-like.
Super class of all commands.
All properties defined in framework.
Simple confirmation tag.
Supports DSL for specifying connection parameters for various environments and modes.
Super class for all connection configuration instances
Specification for a JDBC connection
Specification for a JNDI connection.
Serves mostly to pass name and values from any code down to the logging system to be included on every log line by a current thread..
Controller filters are similar to that of Servlet filters, but designed to wrap execution of controllers.
This is a convenience class for filters to extend.
Super class for controller tests.
Class for conversion exceptions.
Convenience class for type conversions.
Converts instances of S to T.
Converts instances of S to T.
Responsible for generating tokens for CSRF protection support.
Converts instances of Date to String.
If you are looking conversion, use DateToStringConverter.
This class provides a number of convenience methods for opening/closing database connections, running various types of queries, and executing SQL statements.
Standard command listener to process commands that require a database access.
Class is to be used in web apps that use ActiveJDBC.
Super class for controllers requiring a DB connection to the test DB.
Generic exception wrapper for all things DB.
Use this as a super class for integration tests that requires a DB connection to the test DB.
Super class for tests that need to use a DB connection.
Used by test classes as a helper to open/close DB connection, start and rollback transactions.
Debug tag is for printing an arbitrary object from page context.
Executes a DELETE request.
Mark an action of a controller with this annotation to receive an HTTP DELETE request.
Indicates a service in Guice can be destroyed when the application shuts down.
Created By User: evan Date: 4/30/13
Cache implementation based on EHCache 3.
Cache implementation based on EHCache 2.
Wraps multiple HTTP methods for a single endpoint.
Interesting advice: Another: Java Client:
This class is to encapsulate an HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.) and its corresponding API docs if any.
Collection of error messages generated by validation process.
The attribute length must be equal to a given value.
This annotation is for automatic reply to HTTP requests in case validation did not pass.
Convenience class for use in tests.
This tag allows to display a message on a page that lives for one more request.
Represents an form item from a multi-part form.
This is a FreeMarker directive which is registered as <@form...
Convenience class for implementing application - specific tags.
Executes a GET request.
Mark an action of a controller with this annotation to receive an HTTP GET request.
Supports features of the h2 sql dialect.
Place on a parent model of the One-to-many relationship if the tables do not follow the ActiveJDBC naming conventions.
Mark an action of a controller with this annotation to receive an HTTP HEAD request.
Use this filter to log HTTP request (and response) headers to a log system.
This is a convenience class to allow creation of request objects on one line with some pre-defined values.
This class is mostly used by the framework.
Adds support for access to HTTP parameters.
This is a helper class for converting distance bewteen two dates to a human format, like: "two days", "three months", etc.
Created by igor on 4/29/14.
As the name implies, it is implicit, and used internally by ActiveWeb when converting request values into Java beans.
This class is for static instrumentation
Use this as a super class for integration tests that do not require a DB connection.
This exception is for some severe unexplained things
This class serves as a source of JDBC connection properties for different environments during tests.
This class is used access data from JSON immediately after parsing.
Convenience class to convert JSON strings to and from objects.
Represents a java.util.List as an object that fronts a chunk of a JSON object.
Layout for log4j to emit JSON format, including exceptions.
Superclass for JSON validators.
This is a class to be extended to gain easy access to JSpec methods.
LazyList<T extends Model>
While this class is public, it is never instantiated directly.
Attribute Length validation option.
This is a FreeMarker directive which is registered as <@link_to ...
Use this annotation to override conventions in cases where they are impossible to follow.
Validates that an object at a deep path in teh JSIN structure is an instance of a java.util.Map.
The attribute length must be less than or equal to the given value.
This class is used to pull messages from a resource bundle called activejdbc_messages.
The message tag is designed to display messages in view templates.
Migrate to latest schema version.
The attribute length must be more than or equal to the given value.
This class is a super class of all "models" and provides most functionality necessary for implementation of Active Record pattern.
This class exists to offload some logic from Model class.
Stores metadata for a Model: converters, etc.
Sets up a Multipart request to send multiple text fields as well as upload files.
Blank class, does nothing.
Mark an action of a controller with this annotation to receive an HTTP OPTIONS request.
Paginator<T extends Model>
This class supports pagination of result sets in ActiveJDBC.
Provides a builder pattern to create new instances of paginator.
Specifies columns that must be used to form an UPDATE and DELETE statements in addition to a primary key.
Executes a PATCH request.
Mark an action of a controller with this annotation to receive an HTTP POST request.
Executes a POST request.
Mark an action of a controller with this annotation to receive an HTTP POST request.
Identifies a configuration property.
Executes a PUT request.
Mark an action of a controller with this annotation to receive an HTTP PUT request.
This is a main cache facade.
This class represents statistical information for one query.
Simple configuration of queue.
The attribute length must be between the given minimum and maximum length (inclusive).
This paginator is for paging through free-form queries unrelated to models.
Redis cache manager.
Validator designed for use of regular expressions.
Required attribute: partial
This class provides static convenience methods for simple HTTP requests.
Provides access to request values.
Class is used in DSL for building a fake request for a controller to be tested.
This class is used internally by the framework.
Use this filter to log HTTP request parameters to a log system.
Use this filter to log HTTP request properties to a log system.
This class is not used directly in applications.
This annotations is to signify that a controller will be providing actions for RESTful routes.
Instance of this class will contain routing information discovered dynamically on a request.
Instance of this class represents a single custom route configured in the RouteConfig class of the application.
Responsible for looking at a URI and creating a route to controller if one is found.
This class exists to aggregate some common functions that are used by ActiveWeb as well as the Ope API plugin.
Use this class in cases where you need to process an entire result set.
Utility class to shell out system commands.
This class is used to pass data to the <@select/> tag.
Select tag is to generate the <select> HTML tag based on data passed in dynamically into a view.
Facade to HTTP session.
Serves as a pool of sessions for local sending/receiving to/from the Async.
Class exists for toString() method.
This class is not used directly in applications.
This filter will collect statistics about controller/action execution into Statistics Queue for analysis.
This class will collect statistics on executed queries and then can produce reports sorted by various parameters.
Converts instances of String to Date.
Converts instances of String to Timestamp.
The purpose of this class is to provide toMaps() method in cases of eager loading of dependencies.
Primitive appender, only for testing (tired fighting log4j for my output!).
This class can be used to catch standard and error outputs in tests so as not to pollute test printout with "good" exceptions stack traces.
Prints a two dimensional array to STDIO as a formatted table.
Simple implementation of small quick templates filled with dynamic data. An example of a template:
Validates presence and correct format of a string.
This annotation breaks a relationship that exists based on naming conventions.
Top interface to make something validatable.
Validate current schema against available migrations.
Manages validators and converters.
Subclass this class to create custom validators.
This annotation is used to override name of a version column for optimistic locking
This is a spec used to test templates and custom tags.
Borrowed from Apache Artemis.
Based on:
This tag wraps provided content into a given layout.
Convenience class for pulling information from XML documents.
Converts instances of Number that are zero to null.